It's an absolute pleasure to have you here today. While I dont have an extravagant introduction, nor do I have super-duper awesome pictures, I would like to introduce myself. I'm Rhett, and this is my first web page! I hope you enjoy this site. Here, I'll make comments about my life, what I like to do, and other rather interesting things that I hope you'll be able to relate to. As always, I hope you have a great day, and if it is, I hope it gets even greater!
I'm your typical person who got wrapped up in the field of technology. I mainly started this web page out of curiosity and for fun. It's sort of a nice thought to me, honestly haha. It's something I wanted to make because I didn't get to experience the whole thrill of making a web page, all those years ago. It's better late than never. But I also thought it would be pretty awesome if some people (doesn't have to be a lot haha, maybe one or two people), were to watch this little site go from nothing to a little bit of something. It will be a long while before I actually make this place like "home"... so, I hope you'll be patient.
I wonder how many times Ive walked past my soulmate in this life.
7:46 AM
All exams are finally DONE! No more academic stress...for now. The holiday season is here as well. What are you guys doing for the holidays? My family has no idea yet, but we are definitly going to be with all of the fam this christmas. I have way more time now, because its winterbreak, so Ill be updating this site for a while. So so soo, sorry for leaving you guys hanging.(If anyone actually watches this site :0) Well, I need to get going now. Ill see you guys soon!